Paris has thousands of places too eat. France may be the foodie capital of the world. The French invented restaurants. Should be simple to find a charming place devoid of tourists that serves great food and doesn't break the bank - right? Well, in our experience, surprisingly no. However, this is the exception.
In the meantime we recommended it to Virginia & Derek, our neighbours in Hobart. They visited it late in 2008, and then again in 2009. Evdently there's an affinity between Liverpool St and Rue Tiquetonne!
This time around Le Tir Bouchon was the first place in our sights once we'd picked up our keys and dumped our bags. Jetlag bedamned: we wanted lunch. Subsequently, we returned twice before leaving Paris.
Every time we visit the experience is fulfilling. Local atmosphere, a generous welcome that isn't at all stuffy, great food....and a terrific price. Two courses plus wine for under 40 Euros. Hard to beat, especially given the quality of the food.
Some fine examples of the food:
- Rognons d'agneau a l'ancienne (lambs kidneys)
- Parmentier de canard avec foie gras (shredded duck confit with luscious foie gras)
- Coquilles St Jacques avec etrouffe (scallops with truffles)