We all know that Paris is the world capital of glam, right? And what do you think of when you think of the glammest creations in the world?
Yesterday were two of the glammest,the Garnier Opera and the gardens of Versailles.

The Opera building (images right) was a decadent gold and marble extravagance where THE phantom originated. Though we were informed the lakes are still under the Opera building, unfortunately that wasn't included on our tour.

In the afternoon we head to Versailles. Because we'll be back in July, we were there only for the fountains: every Saturday they put on appropriately classical music for folks to enjoy as they promenade the gardens. And boy....what a lot of folks turn up!

We thought the fountains and classical music may be synchronized but, unless you call them both being turned on at the same time, then the weren't. Still very pleasant.
As has become our habit, we rounded the day off back at the apartment with cheeses (including a lovely, subtle Camembert washed with Calvados), saucisson and a little wine. Our local boulangeries are doing a good trade from us as we try to maintain the national average of 80% of all people eating bread with every meal. Turns out that the "tradition" loaf/stick is more our style than the baguette.
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