Back we staggered, laden with far more goodness than had at first seemed necessary. Seductive indeed are the French foodstores.......
So there is was: undeniably a pigeon (grisly picture with head omitted for the tender of sensibilities - which includes Andrew).
Pigeon saute avec deux choses de champignons et estragon (pigeon sauted with two mushrooms and tarragon served with blanched asparagus and baby green beans). A raging success (and with a creamy sauce that begged to be mopped-up and savoured). Recipe to be included in the next edition of Foodivore :)
So where are such pigeons sourced?
ReplyDeleteWe've seen them at a couple of places. We got this one from Marche St Quentin (rue Magenta, just near Gard de l'Est). Can't say more of it's provenance but I don't think it was trapped in the local square :)
ReplyDeleteWe had quite a confusing exchange with the vendors, who asked if we wanted it "prepared". We said yes, assuming this meant gutted & head removed. Oooh no: it just meant that they shaved the head and removed the beak. Possibly more confronting that the Catacombs.
wow, just catching up on all your doings! Now where's the pigeon recipe and do we add the catacombs to our to do list?